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Daniel J. Minke

"All of you is here learning speech and debate today."


You can develop your whole self by developing your skills in speech and debate. I facilitate that process through individual and small group coaching.

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Lincoln-Douglas Value Debate Camps

Know what you value

Lincoln-Douglas Value debate offers students a unique opportunity to uncover, meditate on, and communicate the values and beliefs that guide our lives and actions. In my LD Value camps, I focus on using debate as a tool for developing the whole person. I also share the theories, insights, and practices that I have found most helpful for doing and gaining from LD debate over my years as a competitor and judge.

Act with intention

Team Policy debate offers students a unique opportunity to exercise, evaluate, and understand the methods and structures we use to plan and accomplish our goals. In my TP camps, I focus on using debate as well as the many structures and tactics within the TP format as a tool for helping the student develop in their whole person. I also share the theories, insights, and practices that I have found most helpful for doing and gaining from TP debate over my years as a competitor and judge.

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Team Policy Debate Camps

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"Professional Shenanigans" Interpretation Camps

Go outside your box!

PROFESSIONAL SHENANIGANS is a beginner/intermediate Interp camp that equips students to leave their comfort zone and compete with excellence. It provides hands-on coaching and engaging material covering everything from picking a piece to national level performance tips. After taking this one-day camp, students will be excited to use their creativity skills to develop and perfect their interpretation in a manner that glorifies God! In this camp, I (Daniel Minke) partner with my good friends and fellow NCFCA alumni, Jacob and Caleb Johnson (both of whom happen to be National champion interpers), to share our greatest wisdoms (and joys) from our years of doing interps. If you are interested, the button to the left links to the PROFESSIONAL SHENANIGANS website.

All of you is here learning today

As an NCFCA alumnus and (now) coach, I am committed to communicating the truth with integrity and love. In my coaching and camps, I am committed to helping empower our present and future generations of speech and debaters to do the same through sharing my own experiences and insights as well helping guide and support students as they move forwards in their own individual journeys. My rates start at $100 for 4 1-hour coaching sessions. If you would like to sign up for coaching or just learn more, click the button to the right and fill out the form!

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Speech & Debate Coaching

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More info?

Just fill out the form.

Coaching and future Camp offerings available. Fill out the interest form, and I'll keep you posted!

About Me.

I am passionate about competitive speech and debate because it is an avenue to grow in all areas of our lives and become more fully ourselves. The teenage years are a time of rapid and abundant personal and brain development. The skills involved in public speaking and debate both harness and expand that growth.


As a homeschool student, I competed through NCFCA for 6 years (2015-2020) in Region 4 that became Region 12, with the Brazos Valley Rhetoric Club. I enjoy all different speech categories and placed in Sweepstakes often (successes across many categories at a tournament)


​I align with the mission to "challenge and equip ambassadors for Christ to communicate truth with integrity and grace." (NCFCA)



Regional & National Qualifier (NCFCA)

National Qualifier in Original Interpretation (1st place at multiple Regional Qualifying tournaments), Duo Interpretation, After Dinner Speaking. Regional Qualifier in Apologetics, Extemporaneous, and Digital Presentation. Additionally, participated in Toastmasters.


Regional and National Qualifier (NCFCA)

National Qualifier for LD Debate (including 4th place at Regionals). Regional Qualifier for TP Debate.



I have coached with the Brazos Valley Rhetoric Club for 4 years in various capacities, including for a team of all new TP debators. I enjoy helping beginners gain confidence and more advanced students hone their skills.

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